Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Presence

Leavin' on a jet plane...

What was your favorite thing you did with Granmie & Pop?

Stefan: The walk to Mikasa with Pop! (He got to be the exclusive leader...)
Ian: Playing the marble runway and rolling the marble down the ramp...

Dougie probably had the most accurate answer. Everything about having Grammie & Pop was wonderful. Yes, even having seven people in our 3-bedroom house. It was a little taste of what it might have been like for Eric growing up!

We were hard pressed to get smiles out the boys today. They went to bed sad. They woke up sad. They drove to the airport sad. They left the airport sad.

Stefan told Eric that he did not want to go to the airport - it hurts too much to say goodbye.

"That hurt is because you love them."

There was a whole lot of love happening!

It is impossible to not have your heart break for your babies as they mourn their grandparents' departure for home.

Ten minutes into the ride home, Ian announced he was no longer sad... I bet he will change his tune when he wakes up tomorrow and the house is very quiet :(

Fifteen minutes into the ride, all three boys had pulled blankets/hats over their heads and the snoring commenced.

Dougie awoke and stated he was still sad. I told him it was okay to be sad - he asked if he would feel like that forever.

"Perhaps. On and off..."

Eric commented that he has felt closer to these boys in the past month than ever. It has been a really special time for him.

It has been a really special time for all of us.

Thank you, Grammie & Pop for the best Christmas presents ever -
your presence!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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