Thursday, August 15, 2013

New Neighbors in the 'Hood

Kelli & Josh Mintling just moved into their house today.  It is Dwayne's old one - just 7 houses up the road.  They also bought Dwayne's van.  Good thing he backed it into a tree the day before he left and had to have the tailgate replaced - I would have been horribly confused, otherwise!

I took their boys, Caleb (Ian's age) and Josiah (1-1/2) to the pool this afternoon so that mom & dad could have a crack at getting organized.  

We had a good time at the pool.  Eric was there so he watched the 3-year-old crime ring while I maintained the well-balanced toddler with his head above water.  Yes, I know, we did managed to keep our kids alive, but...  You can never explain to another parent that you weren't looking for JUST A FRACTION OF A SECOND!  You could probably never explain that to oneself either...

My kids thought they would protect their privacy when I whipped out the phone for a pic at a red light.

Mintling boys - you excel at cheesy :)

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