Monday, September 24, 2012

Fears Realized

Today was a day that one of my "motherly fears" was realized.

Stefan really likes getting to school early.  His favorite train is the 07:44.  The 07:57 will do.  The other boys ride the 08:10, so I am at least assured that he will get to school...

Today, dots were being connected - and some not.  The laundry did NOT get started as it should have.  Stefan did NOT get his soccer clothes ready like I asked.  He DID get his lunch.  He DID charge his phone AND put it in his bag.  I DID give him money to add to his PASMO (train/bus card).  He did miss the 07:57...  Or so I thought... it was LATE (very un-Japanese).  He hopped on and went at 08:00.

I went to base, ran a couple of errands and realized I did NOT have my phone...  Sigh...  One place was closed until 09:00, but I thought I had English lessons at 09:30.  So, I scratched it.

I got home, and fairly immediately heard a new voicemail alert.  It was Stefan...  He called right back and I answered.

He got on the wrong bus and did not know where he was.  FEAR!

I do not believe in coincidence, luck or "fate".  I believe that God is a God of timing.  Perfect timing.  I also believe that HIS timing and MY timing are rarely on the same schedule.  Did you notice what did NOT get done this morning?  Nothing of consequence.  Oh, I forgot my phone... And Stefan caught an earlier train - OK, that was the event that started this lesson...

What DID happen:  We added money to Stefan's nearly empty commuter pass.  Stefan had his phone.  I got home and HEARD the voicemail alert - I would not have checked immediately...  He DID notice which bus he got on (the wrong one).  He DID get off the buss and call me when the bus turned around and started to head back.  I DID find the transit map - in Japanese...  I DID figure out where he was.  He WAS able to get on the correct bus and get to school.  And, he was only 45 minutes late.

God is a God of timing.  Things happen.  A train shows up 3 minutes late...  an eight-year-old gets on the bus at his normal stop - only it is now 3 minutes later - and a different bus...  But he noticed WHICH ONE.  For those of you that know my kid, you will understand that this is somewhat of a miracle.  He is growing up.  He had all the tools necessary to get back on track.  The Japanese bus system confuses the locals.  I have been searching the internet for the bus maps - to no avail.  Until today...

Attentiveness is not Stefan's strong suit.  I am confident that today's lesson will be one that sticks for a loooooong time.  And from these life lessons comes growth.  I am grateful for that growth.  It literally makes me cry to stand on the sidelines and watch the growing pains.  But, God is a God of timing.  And it is perfect.  Every.  Single.  Time.

P.S. - he was very happy when he got to school.  So relieved and happy, you would not know that he was terrified an hour prior...  You could say the same for me...


  1. Kind of puts that philosophy of "letting" your children make mistakes now, when they are young and the consequences aren't so high, into a whole new perspective.

    I just don't think it gets any easier! Thankfully we have a gracious and loving God.
