Monday, September 10, 2012

Next Stop...

The fall term has started and the boys are all back in school. Being on the Japanese schedule, they are all in the same class still (their school year turns over March/April). The big transition for us is that Stefan is now riding the train and public bus to/from school.

I can hear the air being sucked out of the room by all the Americans out there... But in Japan, school kids as young as 5 ride the trains unaccompanied. As hard as it is for us to imagine, it is the norm over here.

As we have been making this transition, Eric and I have been riding with him. Often, there are other kids from his school on the train/bus with him, and that is reassuring. And, yet, also a crutch... Not being the most observant kid (ahem), it also is grounds for errors when they are NOT with him.

Well, that day was today!

We left early so he could do the math homework he forgot to bring home (ahem). I "lost" him on the way to the station - he made it! Barely...

On the bus, out came the book... And out went his attention. I sat way behind him and feigned disinterest. He noticed the beach (BIG landmark). Kept reading. He noticed buildings. Fidgeted. Kept reading. He noticed the beach. Pushed the button. Kept reading. Did not get off at stop. He read a while. Started getting twitchy. Noticed the buildings were not familiar. Got nervous. Looked at me. I ignored him. He got nervous.

"Mom! I think I missed the stop!"

"About 5 minutes ago, sweetie! :)"

He finally pushed the button. Almost did not get off.

Today was a great day of lessons. What to do when you think you are lost (answer: something!). What you should look for besides "the beach" and one restaurant (bus fare, any other beach is too far, landmarks for when you haves missed your stop, etc.)

We got there, he pushed the button, got off the bus and walked up he hill to school. I left him in the building with a hug and kiss. He popped his head back around the corner with an, "I love you, mom!"

I think he is going to make it to the next stop :)

Walking home on the path after walking from one station to our local line's station and riding it home. Independence. Happiness!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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