Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, America!

My initial plans for the 4th were to do nothing...  It is a school night (kids still in school - on Japanese calendar).  Eric is in Washington.  We watched fireworks on base with Daddy on Sunday.  I failed to "do" anything...

And then...  this jack-ass behind me was honking at me to turn, but there was an old lady crossing the street with her bicycle.  He wouldn't let it go!  I got a text in the middle of all this.  I unrolled my window, shook my fist at him and demanded to know what his problem was.

No problem - just Gabe.  The Sullivan's were behind me and had invited us up to their house for some hanabi.  YAY!  So, we gobbled down dinner and headed for the hills (the Sullivan's live up "the hill" from us.  There are many hills, so it isn't really very descriptive, but there you have it).

When we got there, the Fraser's were there too.  YAY!!  We had a great time eating American goodies (raspberry peach pie, brownies with whipped cream, peanut butter filled pretzels, popcorn, Green Flash Pale Ale and Bud Light) and watching the kids play with fire.

Stefan and Brennan were quite the pyromaniacs...

The other kids got into the sparklers as well.  We had to continually remind them that they DO NOT RUN with them (Elly - and apparently Brennan...).  Good thing the Japanese versions are SMALL.  Many burnt out in the time it took me to put the camera to my eye...

One got in trouble for running AWAY from the fireworks

As he ran around to the front - and to the road.  You can actually see my lip curling... (You will NOT run out of this yard and definitely NOT into the road!!!) and clearly Ian is crying (It too hot for me, Mummy!)  Ultimately, He was convinced that fireworks are not "too hot"...

Maye helped Ian with his first sparkler - a little unsure of the idea at first...  but then warmed up to it (pun intended).

 Jason helped Maggie

Jack and Dougie ditched the idea of sparks and flames in favor off making dessert soup out of their pie and whipped cream.

It was a fun evening together with friends celebrating the birth of our nation.  I don't think we are thanking the Lord nearly often enough for the incredible privilege we have living in the United States.  A country founded on the want to freely practice religion as the people, not the king, saw fit. Our forefathers were Christians and founded our country on that belief.  Whether or not the intention was to allow religious freedom to ALL religions is moot.  Our country was founded on the principle of freedom.  And I thank THE God for that.  And my prayer is that all would know that real freedom comes from the Lord.  Thank you, God, for and incredible nation and the privilege of being an American.  Thank you for friends!  Thank you for fireworks!!!

Happy Birthday, America!  Hanging with the boys...

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