Sunday, October 21, 2012

Down the Toilet...

Friday was to be a field-trip-filled day.  Eric is on his extended field-trip to Bremerton.  Ian had a trip with Seika digging up Sweet Potatoes.  Needing a parent and having no school for the rest meant that Dougie and I were going as well. Stefan had a trip lined up for the Natural History museum in Odawara with his school.

Stefan, instead, started the day with face and lips the color of Ivory (the soap that floats...) and feeling shaky.  And then...  he threw up.


This is not a common occurrence in our household.  Don't get me wrong - I am really grateful!  We have our share of URIs, but rarely an upchuck.  In spite of the discouraging feeling that completely overwhelmed me, I felt - dare I say it - hopeful.

I have to admit, that I was hoping he would feel better and move on, thus getting to go on his field trip.  I know, completely callous and you can feel the pressure drop from every school teacher out there sucking in the air.  Admit it - you have all felt this way before.  You know when the offending icky has removed itself and nary a problem again.

I did, however, start looking for alternatives.  I couldn't just ask Eric to stay home/go on the Seika trip.  What. To. Do...

I thought I would just have to throw in the towel and flush (ha ha) the money spent on the Seika trip (which was a LOT, I might add...)

Ultimately, my incredible neighbor Eileen offered up her rocking chair and bathroom.  I swiveted.  I knew she was well equipped for this - but was I such a dog to ditch my sick kid?


He lost it one more time before we left - and ultimately made us late.  It was a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things!

Stefan protested about the slim pickin's for meals (ramekin of DRY Rice Krispies and flat Ginger Ale - he should have been grateful!), but complied.  His prize was mashed potatoes and chicken cutlets if he could keep the Krispies down all day.

He did.

And the other two and I had a really nice time digging for sweet potatoes - more on that next... ;)

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