Sunday, October 21, 2012

Viva La Japon!

I had four fantastic boys Saturday morning.  Stefan had an orthodontist appointment early (which reminds me, I have forgotten to tighten his retainer...).  The other three and myself parked the car and came and got him.  We then ventured into downtown with brekkies on the mind (and stomach!).  I had coffee at the top of my list, so was thrilled when they wanted pastries, not a sit-down breakfast.

The boys' pick?  Vie de France!

Viva La France! (French pastries, that is!)

They had some basic picks (sugared donuts), variations on American donuts (fried Old-Fashioned, anyone?), chocolate muffins, chocolate and peanut-butter filled pastries, and a flower-like sweet potato and black sesame pastry (shown above).

My pick? Coffee!

We divided the spoils and shared.  I had quatre tres extraordiaire - et tres bizarre - beaux amis!

On our way home, the opposite lane of traffic was diverted.  We had to find our way around the "back way" since the turn was the transition point of

Some sort of running relay...  On the line in front of the cross walk are the next wave of runners.  I suddenly understood why I passed many, many, track teams running with sashes all week.  Instead of passing batons, they would pass a colored sash.  It was great fun to see all the spectators lining the road and cheering like lunatics.  The Japanese are a traditionally reserved culture.  That is, until it comes to sports!  Love it! 

Vive La Japon!

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