Friday, March 16, 2012

Co-op Day

We had Ms. Carlyn p-skool today, according to Ian. Ian absolutely lit UP when I told him what we were doing today. It is so great to see him get excited about knowing he is going to do something.

Today was a painting day - great fun! They made leprechaun masks (Ian started out with his super-cool Green Eggs and Ham art smock):

Personalized aprons:

They smeared shaving cream (FREAKED Ian out...), added color and swirled it around with a brush. He, the freaker-outer of shaving cream, became a regular Van-Gogh! He swirled and made patterns - I got two prints out it!

Most just experimented with shaving cream like Daddy...

Various budding artists' work-spaces

At then end, Carlyn rolls the ball to each kid and asks various questions.  "What is your name?" What was your favorite thing today?" etc.

They have to sit with their legs apart to get the ball. The mom of the girl sitting next to Ian told her to "spread her legs".

After a pause, she says to me that it will be the ONLY time she will EVER say that to her daughter when she is sitting next to a guy sporting nothing but underwear. Until she is married. Maybe.

Ian sporting his incredibly ghetto unders.  Why I did not pick something cuter (and NEWER) on this day...

When I was done laughing, I had to thouroughly agree with this and hope that it is 25-ish years away...

And Ian, may you not be next to a gal when sporting only skivvies and sneakers, after the age of five.  Ever.  Until after, "I do." Then, take off your sneakers...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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